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(NSS, and other NGOs)

NSS is the major programmes through which most of the extension activities are carried out. It is kind of effort to fulfill the social responsibility. The institution inspires students to take part in NSS activities right from the beginning of the academic year through orientation programme by NSS officers and the staff. They share information about goals and advantages of NSS Activities with the students. Other teachers also inspire students to join NSS programmes looking to their individual aptitude and potential. The programme officers share their experiences of NSS campus, rallies, relief work etc. The students, participating in NSS programmes and performing best, are appreciated by prizes and certificate. The press-note to the effect with photographs is given in the local news papers to further appreciate their contribution. The NSS units conduct a wide range of programmes every year. They include programmes like „Rakshabandan‟, „Guru Purnima‟, „Birthday and Death Anniversary Celebrations‟, „Teachers‟Day‟, „Tree Plantation‟, „Manav Adhikar Din‟, „Vyasan Mukti Abhiyan‟, „Gandhi Week‟, „Ahimsa Day‟, „De-addiction Campaign‟, „Blood Donation Camp‟, „Medical Check-up Camp‟, „Healthy Child Competition, „Cattle Farm Camp‟, „Saksharta Abhiyan‟, „Spiritual Lectures‟, „Earthquake Relief and Flood Relief‟, „Save Girl Child‟, „Mahila Sammelan‟, „Cleaning Campaign‟, „Yog and Pranayam; „Shosh-khada‟, „Bhint Sutra‟, „Aids Awareness Programme‟, „Khet Talavadi‟, and lots more. The Mahavidyalay helps the students in the extension activities for their relevant subjects. They are supported by active co-operation, time allotment and necessary funds from the institute. Babubhai M Shah Mahavidyalaya, Zilia 80

The institution has various outreach programmes.

● NSS units organize Blood Donation Camps every year and collect about 80 bottles of blood with the help of the Prathma Blood Bank, Ahmedabad and Lions 

       Club, Chanasma.

● During the camp, the NSS students involve in the activities like cleanliness programme, adult education, energy conservation, eradication of superstitions, etc.

● NSS units organize Mahila Aarogya Camp, Teeth Check-up Camp, Healthy Child Check-up Camp, too.

● NSS Units organize Cattle Farm Camp and Cattle Vaccination Programme, „Khedut Sammelan’, Tobacco Prohibition programme, Andhshraddha Nivaran,

      Sanskar Karyakram, Tree Plantation Programme, etc.

● The institute arranges interesting and inspiring lectures on the subjects like Personality Development, Disaster Management, Aid Awareness, etc.

Gandhi Ashram, Zilia manages

01 College,

03 Higher Secondary Schools,

09 High Schools,

01 primary schools,

14 Hostels,

01 college for boys

01 school for girls [SC]

03 school for boys [SC]

09 school for boys [OBC]

08 Rural Community Centres.

Normally, the programmes are conducted in collaboration with these sister-concern institutions. Initiatives have been taken by the Institution to have partnership with University/Research Institution/Industries/NGO etc. for extension activities.

Contribution of the institution through various extension activities, outreach programmes, partnering with NGOs and GOs.

The local community is benefited by the following services rendered by the NSS units of our institution.

(a) Availability of blood Donor cards in the case of emergency

(b) Fund of blind school

(c) Tobacco prohibited programmes

(d) Relief work during natural calamites

(e) AIDS awareness programmes

(f) „Save the Girl child‟awareness lecture programme

(g) Cleanliness, Health programmes, etc.

(h) Farmers and Animal Owners get maximum benefit from the Extension activities.

The students and staff join hands and work together for the benefit of the village people affected by natural calamities like earthquake, flood, etc.



At-Po : Zilia Ta : Chanasma
Dist : Patan, Gujarat INDIA
Contact - (02734) 288347


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